PumpFun Bundler - Your First Launch
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Last updated
Welcome to the best Pump.Fun Bundler interface yet!
Follow along this guide and Bundle Launch your coin within 2 minutes
App: app.ozar.pro
First log in either by connecting your phantom wallet or by telegram
If you click 'Login with Telegram' you'll be redirected to our TG Bot
Click on Login To PumpFun Bundler. Done!
Let's create the token we will be launching. In the select token table, click 'Create New Token'
Creating a token does not 'Launch' the token on PumpFun. This just stores the details of the token to be launched.
Token Name
Image: Maximum file size of 4mb
Website URL is optional
X (Twitter) Handle is optional
Click 'Submit' to create the token. automatically assign a contract address with the 'pump' suffix.
Select one of your created tokens and click 'GO' to proceed.
Notice that the CA of your token is already assigned and ends in 'pump'.
This is the most important part of the process. You have to choose the Launch strategy for your tokens launch. Ozar offers and recommends 3 advanced bundle launch strategies, each with their pro's and con's.
Block 0 Launch - The original way to bundle launch. You buy your token with upto 25 wallets in a bundle with the token launch. Beats all Snipers guaranteed.
Organic Launch - Avoids 'Sniper Bought' and 'Dev Bought' badges on Photon/BullX. Has in built strategy to discourage snipers.
Smart Swarm Launch - Produces the most organic looking chart. Avoids 'Sniper Bought' and 'Dev Bought badges'. Avoids BullX rats as well when done correctly.
Let's setup the buy amounts for each wallet for our launch
Enter the buy amounts for each wallet. You will notice small red ⓘ popups in front of wallets that don't have enough sol to cover buy amounts, network costs and fees.
Ensure sufficient SOL in the wallets you intend on launch with. Use Distribute Sol to send SOL to your 25 wallets.
Payer wallet will require enough SOL to handle the launch, this amount depends on the total buy amounts and a constant amount to create the LUT (Lookup Table).
Dev wallet will require 0.04 more SOL (to cover the first pump fun buy) than the amount being bought with. Your Dev wallet MUST have a buy amount.
Your side wallets will require 0.01 more SOL than is being bought with the respective wallet (to maintain the minimum rent amount - required by Solana).
Enter your Dev wallet's buy amount followed by the side wallets you wish to buy with. You do not need to enter amounts for any of your side wallets.
Ozar will automatically calculate the expected token amounts and supply percentage to be bought as you enter the buy amounts for each wallet.
Observe the 'Current Configuration' at the top right of the page which indicates the following totals:
Total wallets buying
Total SOL expenditure
Total Tokens to be bought
Percentage of the supply bought
Final Market Cap of the token on launch
Once ready click 'Launch Preview' to review your launch details.
If this is your first time using the platform or if you don't have enough SOL in any of the buying wallets or payer wallet, you will see red ⓘ popups. If this is you, let's fund your wallets.
You can fund your payer any time before entering launch preview. You'll find the payer details in the top left card, hover it to reveal the tool tip and click the tip to copy to your clipboard.
Let's Distribute sol to your side buyer wallets. Navigate to the toolbar on the left hand side, click Wallets -> Distribute
From here we can Distribute money from any wallet in the system (usually the 'Payer' wallet) to all other wallets in the system in 1 click. Just enter the amounts and click 'Distribute'. Use a higher jito tip if distribute fails.
Now that we've got the wallets funded with enough SOL, lets continue with our launch Navigate back to the PumpFun Bundler -> Select our Token -> Select Launch Type -> Click 'Launch Preview'. It's time to review your Launch settings.
If everything looks right, scroll to the bottom and click Launch.
Congratulations you've launched your first token!
Occasionally Launches can fail due to network conditions. If so, please try again with a higher Jito Tip.
To trade your newly launched token, click on 'Trade with Multi-Wallet Trader' from the launch successful screen and start trading!
App: app.ozar.pro