Market Cap Calculator
A simple tool to calculate the hypothetical market cap of your token after your initial buys upon launch.
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A simple tool to calculate the hypothetical market cap of your token after your initial buys upon launch.
Last updated
The Market Cap Calculator is straightforward to use. Simply enter the total amount of SOL you’ll use for your launch.
If you’re launching with a developer wallet and some side wallets (assuming a Block-0 Launch) and the total SOL across all wallets is 20 SOL, enter this amount. The calculator will then compute the market cap, supply percentage, and token amount automatically.
For organic launches, the total SOL should include only the side wallets, excluding the developer wallet. This assumes no snipers enter the market between the developer wallet’s sale and the side wallets’ purchases.
The Calculator is built into the Bundler in the top card titled "Current Configuration" and along side each wallet in the table. This will provide a nuanced overview of which buy exactly will trigger the graduation and buy how much.
The calculator can also determine if your initial buy qualifies your token for graduation to Raydium. If your purchases exceed the required threshold, this will be indicated.